Saturday, April 21, 2007

Day of Harvest - What You Need to Know

What to bring
Friends to help you pick. Enough clean bins with lids for your mash & your secret ingredients. Clippers – or you can borrow ours. Knee pads or a gardening pad can be a good thing. Towel for clean-up – field work can get dirty. Big vehicle to transport your fruit/mash back home; tarp for spillage. You are welcome to bring your own food, drink, wine if you want to picnic.

What to wear
Sturdy shoes or hiking boots. You will be bending and kneeling to pick – wear comfortable pants. Dress in layers. Early morning is best for picking, but can be chilly. Waterproof boots, pants, jacket and a hat - if it looks like rain. Sunglasses, sunscreen and a hat if it is sunny. Clothes to change into for the drive home.

What we provide
Picking buckets, clippers and best known methods on how to pick. Surgical gloves – grape picking can get sticky. Transport of full buckets to the crush pad. Crush/De-stemming of your grapes (or you can take your fruit home whole). Porto-toilet. Drinking water. Handy wipes. Paper towels.

When you arrive
Drive past the crush pad area on the driveway to parking spots across from the barn. Keep your take-home bins in your vehicle until after you are done picking and weigh-in. Walk to the crush pad to sign-in your group. We will give you clippers, buckets, and take you out to your picking row, give you instructions.

Picking Instructions
Orange picking bucket w/ cluster fill rounding the top will hold @ 25lbs. – 100lbs = 4 buckets. Cut the cluster stem close to the fruit. Do not drop unwanted clusters on the ground. If you have concerns on ripeness of a cluster, notify us. Pick your row clean – do not leave fruit clusters. We gauge tonnage per area, so if you leave fruit it drives Bill nuts and screws-up the math. Do not cut vines. What you cut may be next years’ fruiting cane.

Cautions: Bees. Love the grapes. If you are stung, we find yelling helps ease the pain. Also, we have sting-ease/first-aid on hand. Come see us. Uneven ground. Those gophers are sure cute, but have wreaked havoc on the surface of the field. Watch your footing.

Once you have completed picking a bucket: leave the full bucket in the row tucked under the trellis – that way we can drive up the row and pass by to do the pick-up. We take care of transporting your full buckets to the crush pad for weigh-in. After weigh-in, we start the crush/de-stem process, unless you want to skip that step to take home whole fruit. You get to participate in the crush process.

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