Sunday, May 27, 2007

Harvest 2006 Recap

Stormy Morning Vineyard Harvest 2006 Recap
Harvest 2006 has officially come to a close. The harvest started on Tuesday Sept. 26th and ended at 8pm Thursday October 5th. How much did we harvest? 19,029 lbs. or nearly 9.5 tons of Pinot Noir. 28 individual home winemakers picked 10,589 lbs. and 2 wineries purchased the remaining 8,440 lbs. Sounds like a lot? It was. In 2005, we picked 8,200 lbs.

The weather was perfect over the 10 days. Winemakers came from as far as Denver to join in the harvest. On Saturday September 30th and Sunday October 1st, we served hamburgers and hot dogs each day. Thanks go out to all of you who came out to help us celebrate.

What did it take to pull it off?

1 incredibly talented, endlessly energetic mastermind to champion this 9-month effort
1 bird defector system
68 hamburgers, 26 hotdogs
28 band-aids
3 boxes of surgical gloves
30 fabulous customers and their crews
23 pairs of clippers
45 five-gallon buckets
6 rolls of paper towels
Fantastically supportive friends and family members
148 bottles of water
99 sodas and 86 bottles of beer
1 propane cannon
18 scary eyeballs balloons
2 wineries to purchase bulk quantities; a great friend with a truck, trailer, know how, and willingness to put it together at the last minute
10 days of sunny weather
407 26 lb. buckets filled with grapes lifted onto the scale
1 Porto-toilet
2 pounds of trail mix
6 bee traps and bacon
3 photographers
Neighbors with nerves of steel – enduring the constant sounds of propane cannon blasts

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