Saturday, May 26, 2007

March in the Vineyard

March was an incredibly busy month for Bill. Pruning. Planting.

Planting: 1,263 new plants were added to the Stormy Morning Vineyard. In addition to expanding to row rows, new plants were added to existing rows to fill-in where plants have died due to to drought. While Oregon climate lends itself to enable "dry farming", we have learned the hard way that new plants require additional watering during their first season. Dry farming relies on mother nature to provide adequate water throughout the year. No irrigation or drip system is used. To give new plants the water they need, during the hot summer months, we hand-water each plant from a 110 gallon tank ferried by our Kawasaki Mule.

Pruning: as Bill demonstrates in the photo, each plant is carefully evaluated. The fruiting canes for the new season are selected, then twisted/tied to the trellis. All other canes are cut away. In a matter of seconds, the growth from the prior year is a mere memory. Assisting Bill with pruning is his trusty lawn buddy - a rolling cart that hold his ties, an apple and an AM radio so he can keep up-to-date with the latest in sports.

Pruning takes several weeks to accomplish. Rain or shine Bill, with a little help from an outside crew completed the task of pruning over 6,ooo plants in February and first wk of March.

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